
Friday, August 23, 2019

Resurface and Overlay Projects

This year's projects include a resurface of Lynn Street from the dead end to E Interlaken, Burton Lane from N Perimeter to S Perimeter, and the downtown parking lot adjacent to Lake Avenue behind the Human Services building. Additionally, overlays of 4th Street from Prairie to TH 15 and an overlay of the south half of the Day Farm Trail are included in this contract. The overlay of Albion Avenue past Interlaken Golf Course was completed in July. The contractor is expected to begin these projects the week of Labor Day.

Please contact City Hall at 238-9461 if you have questions about these upcoming projects.

Winnebago Avenue Reconstruction

Work is nearing completion on the underground portion of Phase 1. The contractor has the watermain and storm sewer installed and is going to be starting the subgrade excavation on Monday. A couple progress pictures of the pipe installation.