
Thursday, November 1, 2012

Lair Road Bridge

The concrete work has begun. Here is a photo of the first pour of concrete for the west abutment footing on October 26th.

Below is the steel rebar installed for the pier cap, with a photo of the completed pier cap as well.

The contractor has started forming and placing steel for the west abutment and wingwalls.

Water Treatment Plant

Concrete is being poured on the south side of the building for the solids contact clarifiers and the lime sludge basins. Several loads of precast walls and hollow core panels were installed in the last month. Here is a photo looking down in the filter area and you can see the 100' long precast double tee sections which span this area.

Also the filter troughs were set in both the convetional and GAC filters.

Below is a picture from inside the building on the operating level. This area will ultimately become the operators room, lab, offices, conference room, and break room.

Winnebago Avenue Sports Complex

The remainder of the asphalt paving was completed and striping was added for the parking lot. The ball fields and the concession stand have been completed. Portions of the site will be overseeded for the winter. Here are a couple pictures of the improvements.