
Friday, September 20, 2019

Resurface and Overlay Projects

The contractor worked on Lynn Street this week and was able to get all removals complete, drain tile installed, and the surface brought back to a gravel driving surface. All residents, including Becky Lane, should have access to their driveways by the end of today. The contractor will now be moving to Burton Lane. They will be starting removals on Monday.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

New pioneer pedestrian bridge

The contractor set the new pioneer pedestrian bridge today between Lake Sisseton and Lake George. The project is still under construction and the bridge is currently closed to pedestrian traffic. Stay tuned for the opening of the newest addition to the City’s trail system.

Winnebago Avenue Reconstruction

The contractor is installing drain tile on phase 1 of the project and will soon start placing the aggregate surface. With good weather, we are hoping to be moving into phase 2 in the next two weeks. When phase 2 begins, traffic control and access to the Five Lakes cooperative mobile home park will be moved to the east entrance. Stay tuned for further information on when that change will occur.

Resurface and Overlay projects

The contractor was able to get started on these projects after last weeks rains. They are completing some storm sewer work on the end of Hengen Street today. The contractor plans to move into Lynn Street on Wednesday, Sept. 18th. They will begin the removal process and access to the homes on Lynn and Becky will be restricted in the next day or two. Please be careful around the construction and plan ahead for access restrictions. Contact City Hall if you have questions about access.