
Thursday, July 26, 2012

Water Treatment Plant

The vehicle garage walls and roof are complete and the generator is set inside the structure. Work has begun on the interior portions of the garage with some portions of the concrete floor scheduled to be poured today. Concrete work continues on the filters in the main portion of the plant. In addition, pipe work is ongoing and portions of the building are starting to look like a water plant.

Here is a picture of one of the filter walls prior to pouring concrete.

A picture of the filter gallery area with some pipe installed. This area will quickly fill up with much more pipe than is shown here.

Demolition has been occuring across the street on the back side of the old plant. Here is a picture of the existing shallow intake structure being prepared for a portion of the new structure to sit on top.

Albion Avenue should reopen next week after the contractor has installed all of the underground piping needed to connect the intake facility to the new plant.