
Friday, June 28, 2013

Airport Construction

The work on the City's airport has been underway for a month or so now. Even with the persistent rain in June they have made progress. The main taxiway has been overlaid with new asphalt and a portion of the apron was milled and overlaid. The main runway 13/31 will be closing next week July 1 and the main taxiway will serve as the temporary runway for daily operations. No night landings will be allowed on the temporary runway.

Elm Street Construction

Elm Street reconstruction is ongoing from 1st Street to the railroad tracks. All existing street has been removed and many houses have been running off temporary water with the removals of the existing sanitary and water main. All new sanitary and water main is now installed from 1st Street to 3rd Street. These houses should have normal water service restored within a week or so. The residents north of 3rd will soon be contacted about having there water set up for temporary service as well. The intersection of 4th Street and Elm is closed and will be at least until the 4th of July. The detour is set up to have traffic use 3rd street as the east/west crossing point of Elm. Here are a couple construction photos.

Water Treatment Plant

Site work has been going the past few weeks, getting the base for the parking and driving lanes installed. The exterior stone is nearly finished with the exception of the entry area. This area was framed and the slab has been poured. The remaining storefront windows and stone will be installed in the coming weeks. The interior of the building is taking shape with offices being painted and cabinets installed. Testing and start-up of numerous pieces of equipment is ongoing. Equipment training for City Staff began last week and will continue for several weeks. The rain garden on the south side of the building has been graded and most of the storm sewer is installed. Here are some photos.

Lair Road Bridge

The navigation channel is open. Street work has been ongoing in between the rain these past few weeks. The final driving surface of the bridge was completed. The bridge has been painted and portions of the railing were installed this week. Concrete flatwork on Lair Road began this week and will continue next week. Lair Road will not be open for the 4th of July weekend, but the intersection of Lair and Shoreacres will be opened temporary for the holiday weekend. The intersection will close again on July 8th. Here is a picture of the bridge looking north.